Contact: Elizabeth Johnston, 740-973-0542
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 23, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- Billboards representing opposing sides of the abortion debate are popping up around Columbus, Ohio. Less than two blocks from the Columbus Planned Parenthood surgical abortion center, a new billboard reads, "Killing A Baby Is No Way To Plan Parenthood" pictured next to an eleven week fetus. While several miles away, an opposing billboard reads, "There's Nothing Wrong With Abortion. Your Choice. Your Right." The anti-abortion billboard was designed and funded by a group of abolitionists who view abortion as murder and seek to abolish it in the name of Jesus Christ. The pro-abortion billboard was funded by feminists who sold pro-choice cat T-shirts, which read "Leave my p*ssy alone." Both billboard projects were a grassroots effort funded by obviously passionate individuals.
Photo: Billboard, hi-resolution version available online.
It did not originally appear that the abolitionists would get their billboard up, as Clear Channel, the company who owns the billboard and has been a known supporter of Planned Parenthood, objected to the billboard, saying they would not post "that strong of a graphic." Organizer of the anti-abortion billboard project, Laura Morrison, stated "Although Clear Channel asked us to change our image to a 'wide-eyed cute Gerber baby,' we held our course, and refused to allow them to censor the truth about abortion. Thankfully, after much controversy over the image, Clear Channel consented, and we are thrilled that the public will now be reminded of the humanity of the babies who are killed every day in Ohio by abortion." Within only five hours of a facebook page request, individuals seeking to end abortion had already donated enough money to pay for the entire billboard project.
This billboard clash comes at a time when increased attention has been placed on the Columbus East Main Street Planned Parenthood. In September, 70 volunteers began ministering in shifts outside the Columbus Planned Parenthood. They pray, hold signs, distribute literature, offer material assistance to the pregnant mothers walking into the surgical center, and attempt to convince women to not go through with their abortions. They have been seeing an average of at least two to five babies saved each week. Sidewalk ministry organizer and mother of nine children, Elizabeth Johnston, stated, "When God's people show up, God moves, and babies and their mothers are spared the horror of abortion." The sidewalk counselors believe the new billboard will be an effective tool in aiding their ministry outside the abortion center, and they look forward to funding more billboard projects around the city in the future.