Huckabee Would Be the Greatest President Since Lincoln
Contact: Rev. Steven Andrew, 877-537-8734
SAN JOSE, Calif., Feb. 1, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- Mike Huckabee would be the greatest president since 1865 when Lincoln was in the White House, believes Steven Andrew (photo), pastor of USA Christian Church. "Lincoln challenged the status quo and fought for freedom; Huckabee will fight against the status quo and bring liberty from the godless mess in Washington," Andrew said.
Scripture commands us to choose God-fearing leaders (2 Samuel 23:3) and Huckabee is the most God-fearing presidential candidate, explained Andrew. He believes that voting for Huckabee is humbling ourselves before God to follow and asking God to heal our land. His riveting book, "God's Plan for the USA," gives Scriptural proof that a Christian government will end God's judgment on the USA.
Andrew provides four reasons that Huckabee is the God-fearing candidate Christians should choose:
1. Huckabee is closest to our Christian founders and believes we have God-given rights. He boldly defended Kim Davis demonstrating that he is against the persecution of Christians.
2. Huckabee would politically lead our nation to save us from God's judgment for same-sex marriage. God promises to destroy gay societies (2 Peter 2:6). Huckabee says that same-sex marriage is not law because the Constitution says Congress makes laws not the Supreme Court. On the other hand, Clinton, Trump, Rubio, Bush, Fiorina, Christy, Kasich and Sanders may jail Christians since they think same-sex marriage is law and ignore the Constitution. Cruz said marriage was not a priority and fundraises with gay businessmen. Carson has a 15 year boardroom record of supporting gays.
3. As a strong Christian leader, Huckabee would unite the USA. But Clinton, Trump, and Sanders divide people.
4. Huckabee would save the USA from God's ongoing judgment for shedding innocent blood. Huckabee says the 5th and 14th Amendment protect life and forbid abortion. "God's Plan for the USA" proves political corruption is God's judgment for abortion and other sins (Psalm 106:37-42).
5. Lincoln sought God. We have confidence that Huckabee seeks God, which is how we find God.
"God's Plan for the USA" gives Seven Bible Truths that save the USA from destruction from judgment for our nation's great sins. Choosing Christian leaders is part of the Third Bible Truth that the LORD is our Lawgiver (Isaiah 33:22). "Obeying God in voting makes the USA great again," Andrew said.
Andrew is leading the fight to have a true Christian government and is building 25 ministries.