Socialized Medicine Skewered by New Documentary Warning 'Wait Till It's Free'

MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 9, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- To paraphrase author P.J. O'Rourke, "If you think healthcare is unaffordable now, 'Wait Till It's Free!'" This phrase best sums up the reality of socialized medicine, says filmmaker Colin Gunn in his new documentary to be released September 10th.
Gunn, an award winning documentarian, guides viewers through an investigation of the 100-year history of government intervention into the U.S. healthcare industry and outlines the dangerous unintended consequences of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.
A native of Scotland, Gunn travels to Glasgow to show viewers the consequences of a single-payer system like the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS). After exposing British death panels resulting in the annual deaths of thousands, he determines the only sustainable solution for America's health care system is to halt any more progress towards a socialized system. "Our new film shows how dangerous it is when you manufacture a top-down healthcare system imposed by government," said Gunn, who resides in Texas.
Writer and former NHS doctor, Theodore Dalrymple laments the widespread misperception of the quality of British healthcare, saying: "The British have been subject to a confidence trick - that their system is the best, when actually, it's either the worst or amongst the worst in the western world." Daniel Hannan, a British Member of European Parliament adds "Governments are not very good at running things, why should we expect them to be any better at running hospitals?"
"Wait Till It's Free" includes stories of outrageous hospital bills and includes whistle-blower testimonials from doctors working inside the system, including doctors who are retiring early because of the burdensome regulations. John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods and a vocal proponent of capitalism notes in the film, "We have not had a healthcare system for 70 or 80 years that's truly a free market healthcare system." In an interview with Dr. Ron Paul, the former U.S. congressman declares "All we get from Washington is obstructionism, always the do-gooder, always getting in the way..."
Despite all of the hard truths raised in the film, Gunn maintains an optimistic tone and offers real solutions. "It's so exciting to share with people a comprehensive investigation of the reasons and opportunities for healthcare liberty," remarked Gunn. "Viewers will learn about solutions to our healthcare crisis like price transparency, cooperative cost-sharing, and, my personal favorite, the foundational role of personal responsibility. Government intervention is the disease causing our healthcare crisis and the only cure is freedom!"
The film is available September 10th at Public screenings are being organized around the country as Gunn conducts a grassroots tour to attract attention to the importance of healthcare liberty.
About Colin Gunn: Colin is an award-winning writer, director, producer. His most recent documentary "IndoctriNation," won several awards and was a film festival favorite. Originally from Hamilton, Scotland, Colin lives in Texas, with his wife and nine children.