Contact: Wesley Strackbein, Vision Forum Ministries, 210-340-5250, ext 222, press@visionforum.org
JAMESTOWN, Va,, Mar. 16 /Standard Newswire/ -- Doug Phillips, founder and director of Vision Forum Ministries, today begins writing an exclusive weekly column for WorldNetDaily in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the settlement of Jamestown. In his new column, dubbed "Jamestown Jubilee," Phillips will highlight the stark differences between the secular left's revisionist view of America's founding and the historical and providential record of the Christian legacy of law in liberty which was birthed for America at Jamestown in 1607.
Photo: Susan Constance docked at Jamestown Settlement
"The battle for our nation's history is the battle for the future of our children," noted Phillips. "The ancient biblical principle found in Psalm 78 rings true: We will teach the great deeds of God in the life of our nation, or our children will lose hope. History gives context. This generation of children desperately needs to know the context of law and liberty upon which their present freedoms arise.
"I am grateful that WorldNetDaily has given me this opportunity to help explain to Americans why, on our nation's 400th birthday, we should be celebrating -- not apologizing -- for our history."
Phillips is spearheading "The Jamestown Quadricentennial: A Celebration of America's Providential History," a jubilee event which will be held June 11-16, 2007, in the Jamestown-Williamsburg-Yorktown triangle. The week-long celebration will follow in the tradition of great centennial events of the past and will feature Faith and Freedom history tours, games, boat and balloon rides, dramatic reenactments, fife and drum music, colonial firearms demonstrations, orations from noted Christian historians, a memorial dedication, among other attractions.
"The story of Jamestown is one of imperfect but remarkable men who were instruments of a sovereign Creator to establish a nation of law and liberty under God," remarked Phillips. "Political special interests and historical revisionists have sought to minimize our heritage. They have succeeded in pressuring officials to ban the word 'celebration' from the officially-sanctioned events in Jamestown this year. Some are even portraying the Christian settlers as vicious savages, genocidal murderers, and environmental terrorists. These charges are fictions."
"My goal through this new column -- as well as through the events in Jamestown this June -- is to offer a hopeful alternative for Americans that focuses on the true stories of 400 years of the providence of God and the perseverance of the American people."
To read Phillips' debut commentary, "Who Will Win the War on America's History?", visit WorldNetDaily.com.
To interview Doug Phillips about his vision for the Jamestown Quadricentennial, contact Wesley Strackbein by e-mail at press@visionforum.org or by phone at (210) 340-5250, ext. 222.