Contact: Ermias Alemayehu, BOND, 213-804-1872
LOS ANGELES, March 9, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, founder of BOND:
I recently spoke to the Southern California Junior State of America, or JSA, winter congress – to a group of about 860 high-schoolers, supposedly 60 to 70 percent liberal.
I've never seen a better-looking group of young people: The boys wore suits and ties, and the girls wore dresses and heels. (Some wore pantsuits.)
My talk followed a liberal California state assemblyman's speech. I was scheduled for an hour, consisting of a 25- to 45-minute speech followed by Q&A – but I was thrown out before the 25-minute mark.
I started out saying my book, "The Antidote," ( proves "racism" does not exist, that it's a lie made up to divide and conquer through anger. Angry people feel like victims, and all victims are pathetic. (Some loved this message.)
I explained how Barack Obama divided the races like no other time in history, because he's all about politics, power and wealth – liberals do not care about people.
Obama pitted blacks against whites and police. They'd been set up to hate by their lying false leaders over the decades. Most who run into trouble with police are criminals – thugs like Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin, whose home lives I described.
The high-schoolers burst out in shouting and jeers when I told the truth about the two dead icons of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Around 15 minutes into my talk, the JSA governor, high-school senior Justin Wittekind, asked me to begin Q&A early. Immediately, dozens of students lined up on both sides of the room to ask their questions.
My answers to their questions each caused an uproar. Unfortunately, only about four people – all girls – were allowed to state their case and ask questions before they decided to shut me down completely.
Two girls questioned my position that "racism" does not exist. They brought statistics they think prove "racism" does exist. I explained that blacks have created a negative reputation for themselves through dangerous neighborhoods, robbery, rape and murder of one another and of white people. I said liberals are liars, and you can't trust their "studies" or anything a liberal has to say.
Read more and watch the video here:
Order Jesse Lee Peterson's book, "The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood":