Contact: Dr. Jessica Davis, Faith & Public Policy Institute Inc., 609-955-3547
PRINCETON, N.J., Dec. 28, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- The U.S. Census Bureau utilizing the 2011 Supplemental Poverty Measure reported that 49.7 million Americans or 16% of the population (28% Hispanic, 26% Black, 17% Asian, and 14 % White) now live below the poverty line, annual income of $22,811 for a family of four as a result of the high unemployment rate, house devaluations, and unprecedented foreclosures during the Great Recession. The Faith and Public Policy Institute will launch the Moral Agenda to eradicate poverty in America on Saturday, January 19, 2013 at 4 PM in the Capital City of New Jersey at Turning Point United Methodist Church.
The president of the Faith & Public Policy Institute, Dr. Jessica Davis, states, "The faith community is the moral voice of America. The moral voice of America is saying, 'Remember the poor.' The author of 'The Other America,' Michael Harrington, stated that the only institution that can eradicate poverty is the federal government. If this is true, the faith community must hold the government accountable as we prepare to avoid the Fiscal Cliff. America is at a critical turning point. The Institute is preparing to pick up the 1968 poverty policy mantle of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Poor People's Campaign because America has not fulfilled her Dream. America has a moral responsibility to eradicate poverty."
The president, Dr. Jessica Davis, is the former dean of students and assistant professor of ethics and public policy at New Brunswick Theological Seminary. Dr. Davis is a member of the American Academy of Religion. Dr. Davis has been a mayoral candidate in both Baltimore, Maryland and Carbondale, Illinois. The White House invited Dr. Davis to the National Clergy Briefing this year for a high level briefing with President Barack Obama, Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Secretary for Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan, Attorney General Eric Holder, and International Religious Freedom Ambassador-at-Large Suzan Johnson Cook.
The Faith & Public Policy Institute Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable, religious, and educational nonprofit organization in Princeton, New Jersey. The mission of the Faith and Public Policy Institute is to educate the faith community on domestic and foreign policy.
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