Contact: Bob Sturm, 703-392-7676
MANASSAS, Va., June 18, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman of
Pope Francis' message on global warming was a confusing distraction that dilutes his great moral authority and leadership at a time when it is desperately needed to combat real – and present – crises in the Church and in Western culture.
The encyclical, Laudato Si, On The Care Of Our Common Home lends the weight of the Papacy's authority to the idea of man-made global warming at a time when not only is there more and more evidence that has come forth that global warming is a natural phenomenon, but that there is increasing concern that government "solutions" are keeping people in poverty.
To me this encyclical is most troubling because it comes at a time when Catholics, indeed Christians of all denominations, are facing persecution including torture and death (including crucifixions) in virtually every Muslim majority country and China, as well as a host of moral and spiritual challenges.
While the Pope fiddles with one controversial political issue that is not at the core of spiritual matters, our spiritual culture is burning.
Not the least of these challenges is the increasing secular pressure for the Church to abandon its scriptural teachings on sexual morality, including homosexuality and marriage in favor of acceptance of same-sex "marriage" and other practices directly contradicted by Church doctrine and scripture.
Yet in advance of the vote to legalize same-sex "marriage" in majority Catholic Ireland, the Pope was silent and never put the weight of his authority behind the Church's scriptural teaching that marriage can only be between one man and one woman.
Likewise, the Church and Western Christian culture face a host of secular challenges to the culture of life that is central to Church doctrine and Christian teaching, but the Pope has yet to lend the weight of an encyclical to this daily battle.
In recent decades most Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Sisters have abandoned the teaching of morals.
When was the last time you heard a sermon on the need to follow God's teachings on divorce, adultery, sex outside of marriage, pornography, illegal drugs, treatment of spouses, children, parents, etc., etc.
In America and Europe the popular culture including entertainment (movies, TV books, magazines, and the Internet) is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Most colleges are moral cesspools where the hook-up culture and casual sex is an accepted, even expected part of college life.
In case you haven't noticed, the clergy sees, hears, and knows few sins.
Which means, for the most part, Catholic leaders have surrendered to the anti-religious left and abandoned the field of battle. The people, without moral leaders, are falling victim to the lure of the Golden Calf.
Pope Francis and the Catholic Church fail to realize that they are in a life and death struggle with secularists.
It will certainly come as a surprise to most clergy when they realize that the Left for decades has lied about their true agenda. Their agenda was never – no discriminations against homosexuals, civil unions or same sex marriage.
The liberals' true agenda is to destroy religion.
And let us not forget the socialist roots of the Green movement that spawned the demand that we accept man made global warming without debate.
Today, we're seeing the Obama Administration working to change the First Amendment from guaranteeing freedom of religion to freedom of worship. Meaning, you will be allowed to worship God for an hour or so on Sunday inside a church, but you won't be permitted to take and certainly not act on your faith outside of the four walls of the church.
Remember, it was only a few weeks ago that Hillary Clinton said, "Laws have to be backed up with resources and political wills. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed."
The world cries out for the Pope's leadership on fundamental moral issues, but this encyclical is a misguided distraction from the moral free fall facing Western Civilization.
About Richard Viguerie:
RICHARD A. VIGUERIE, called the "Funding Father of the conservative movement," transformed American politics in the 1960s and '70s by pioneering the use of direct mail as a means for conservatives to bypass the mainstream media. He serves as the chairman of The author of a number of books on politics and the conservative movement, Viguerie's latest book is TAKEOVER: the 100-year War for the Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives can Finally Win It.