'Christian Standard' Magazine's Annual Retreat Yields 2017 Editorial Calendar
Relevant Cultural Issues Related to Christian Leadership and Ministry Featured in this Monthly Magazine Published By Christian Standard Media
Contact: Teresa Callahan Allgaier, 513-728-6852
CINCINNATI, Feb. 22, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- Mark A. Taylor, editor and publisher of Christian Standard, led the magazine's 13th annual planning retreat with its contributing editors January 13-15 in Orlando, Florida.
Photo: Christian Standard magazine's contributing editors pose during a lunch break at their annual planning retreat. Standing, left to right: Jim Tune, Jeff Faull, Glen Elliott, Mark Taylor, Doug Priest, Ben Cachiaras, Matt Proctor; Seated: Jennifer Johnson, Becky Ahlberg, Phyllis Fox, Arron Chambers
The planning retreat sessions focused on making specific plans for upcoming editions, and devising a theme list for all of 2017. (The magazine's editorial calendar for 2016 & 2017 can be accessed here.)
"The world around us is complicated and changing fast," Taylor said. "The churches served by Christian Standard are taking innovative steps to reach and teach and meet many crying needs. Our job is to tell their stories and to help them serve more effectively."
Taylor noted that the magazine will celebrate its 150th anniversary with the April 2016 issue, available on tablets and smartphones March 9, just before it is in the mail to readers of the print edition. "Throughout its history, the magazine has been a leader and communication arm among the loose-knit fellowship of Christian churches and churches of Christ," he said.
"I believe strongly in the ministry of Christian Standard," contributing editor, Matt Proctor, said, "not only as a powerful leadership development tool, but also as a unifying storyteller in our movement." The Ozark Christian College president added, "The Christian Standard contributing editors retreat fills two of my most favorite days of the year….The group of people around that table, while representing a geographically and theologically diverse constituency, are people who love Christ deeply, and think about his kingdom deeply, and have become dear friends."
Arron Chambers, another member of the group, said, "This year's retreat was a stimulating and productive time, gathering some of the key influencers and leaders in the Restoration Movement who all share a deep passion for Christian Standard."
Chambers, lead minister with Journey Christian Church, Greeley, Colorado, described the accomplishments of the group each year: "We are doing the important work of engaging with our readers on relevant cultural issues facing their churches, resourcing our readers with practical tools to assist them in their lives and ministries, and connecting our readers with our 'tribe' and heritage."
Other contributing editors attending this year's meeting: Becky Ahlberg, executive director, My Safe Harbor, Anaheim, California; Ben Cachiaras, senior pastor, Mountain Christian Church, Joppa, Maryland; Glen Elliott, lead pastor, Pantano Christian Church, Tucson, Arizona; Jeff Faull, senior minister, The Church at Mount Gilead, Mooresville, Indiana; Phyllis Fox, director of church relations and Youth in Ministry, Milligan College, Tennessee; Jennifer Johnson, freelance writer and editor, Levittown Pennsylvania; Doug Priest, executive director, Christian Missionary Fellowship International, Indianapolis, Indiana; and Jim Tune, president, Impact Ministry Group, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Randy Gariss, director of the Life and Ministry Preparation Center, Ozark Christian College, Joplin, Missouri; and LeRoy Lawson, distinguished professor of Christian Ministries at Emmanuel Christian Seminary, Johnson City, Tennessee, also serve as contributing editors but missed this year's meeting.
"We're pleased to continue to passionately serve church communities and Christ followers with our tried and true approach to Bible study, as well as our innovative and engaging treatment of culturally relevant ministry topics through our magazine websites and the pages of our print editions," said Taylor, who is publisher of both Christian Standard and The Lookout magazines.
The long-acclaimed Christian Standard magazine--also available as a mobile app--along with The Lookout magazine, the growing Christian's weekly resource, continue to offer their popular ISSL-based Sunday school and Bible study reflections to tens of thousands of readers each week and month. Both magazines are available as individual, church (bulk), or digital subscriptions. Learn more at ChristianStandard.com and LookoutMag.com.
Christian Standard Media LLC is committed to continuing the nearly 150-year tradition as a Christian mission-driven leader in true-to-the Bible resources that educate, encourage, and enrich adults, youth, and children. From the founding of a journal devoted to New Testament Christianity in 1866 to the first publication of Vacation Bible School (VBS) materials with a five-week, all day program in 1923 to its contemporary publication of its award-winning 2015 and 2016 VBS -- Christian Standard Media will continue the legacy of serving church communities worldwide.
The mission, "to provide true-to-the Bible resources that inspire, educate, and motivate people to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ," has guided the company's rich history and now infuses Christian Standard Media's drive to remain a trustworthy Christian ministry partner in a rapidly changing world. The company is based in Cincinnati, Ohio. For more information, visit ChristianStandardMedia.com, ChristianStandard.com, LookoutMag.com or call 800.543.1353.