Contact: Liberty Counsel Action, 407-875-1989,
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- Hillary Clinton's health problems, which apparently date back to at least 2009, have hit a new climax with her seizure during a 9/11 memorial. What she originally said was "overheating" and later changed to "pneumonia," is part of a lengthy health history spanning several years that includes:
- Fainting during a 2005 speech;
- Falling in 2009 and breaking her elbow;
- Falling while boarding an airplane in 2011;
- Falling in December 2012, causing a concussion and a blood clot in her head;
- Impaired vision in January 2013 during Congressional testimony on Benghazi;
- Inability to stand without a stool to maintain her balance and supported by Secret Service when walking;
- Emails from Huma Abedin indicating Hillary is "often confused;"
- Repeated coughing episodes that last several minutes dating back to the Benghazi Congressional hearing in October 2015 and throughout 2016;
- Apparent uncontrollable shaking of her head while talking to reporters;
- Apparent uncontrollable head moments while standing next to Bill Clinton at the DNC;
- Wearing blue anti-seizure glasses to a Congressional hearing years ago after suffering the concussion in 2012;
- Continued use of the blue anti-seizure glasses;
- Peculiar travel habits, including taking a private jet on 20-mile trips;
- Refusing to do a press conference for over 280 days, the longest recorded time in presidential campaign history;
- Loss of control of her legs and left arm resulting in having to be dragged into a van by security on September 11, 2016;
- Avoided her media group for 90 minutes on September 11, 2016, and more.
After Hillary prematurely left the September 11 event in New York, she went to her daughter's house and now says her doctor diagnosed her with pneumonia last Friday, September 9. But if she had pneumonia, why would she be playing with her grandchildren a couple days prior to September 11, and why would she hug a small child on September 11? Why did she not look like she had pneumonia during her TV interview on September 9 or September 10? Dr. Ted Noel, a physician who first suggested Hillary had Parkinson's, states that pneumonia is a symptom of Parkinson's and is contagious. It seems peculiar Hillary would stage a photo with a small child.
In the videos that show her collapsing on September 11, 2016, it is clear Hillary has no functional use of her hand behind her back because the security guard had to grab it and move it to her front. The video also clearly shows she lost all function of her legs and feet, even losing her shoe. An enlargement shows a piece of metal falling out of her right pants leg and her right foot goes limp. Security had to physically carry Hillary into the van.
"There are many questions that need to be answered about Hillary Clinton's health, especially following the 9-11 incident," said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel Action. "The American people deserve the truth about Hillary's health. The bizarre behavior of coughing and uncontrollable body movements, combined with changing stories, demand an explanation," said Staver.
Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4), nonprofit, grassroots lobbying organization advancing religious and civil liberties, the sanctity of human life, the family, limited and responsible government, national security, and support for Israel.