Contact: Gail J. Coniglio, Teresa Tomeo Communications, LLC, 954-554-3967
MEDIA ADVISORY, Feb. 26, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- When Pope Benedict XVI announced his plan to resign on Feb. 28, many groups who dissent from core Church teaching voiced hope that the next pope will be more receptive to change. Pope Benedict XVI firmly opposed the ordination of women priests and described homosexual marriage as a threat to humanity's future. Supporters of liberal reform want the Pope's successor to allow for both. In other words, they are hoping for an extreme makeover of over 2,000 years of Catholic teaching. Teresa Tomeo, best-selling author of Extreme Makeover: Women Transformed by Christ, Not Conformed to the Culture (Ignatius Press) says it will not happen.
The award-winning Catholic reporter, syndicated talk show host, media expert on the culture, and featured correspondent for Blessed John Paul II's beatification, was once an ambitious, feminist news broadcaster.
Tomeo understands the confusion that imagines a new Pope might bring new teachings. She has spent her professional life in the media and is an expert in engaging the culture through it. Tomeo attended numerous audiences with Pope Benedict and was one of 250 delegates from around the world to attend the Vatican Women's Congress in 2008 in Rome marking the 20th Anniversary of Blessed John Paul II's Letter, "On the Dignity and Vocation of Women."
"I came to understand the culture's distortion of femininity and human dignity," she said. "Anyone thinking a new Pope will change teachings on women priests and same-sex marriage lacks understanding of the Catholic Church."
The teaching on sexual intimacy in Pope Paul VI's Humanae Vitae and Pope John Paul II's encyclicals on the "feminine genius" and the "new feminism" led Tomeo deep into the heart of the Church. "For a liberal-minded feminist," she said, "reading those documents is life changing."
With more than 30 years in the media, and as the owner of Teresa Tomeo Communications, LLC, a media consulting company, Tomeo has a unique perspective and understanding of the issues. She is available to comment on topics relating to the election of a new pope including:
- Why a new pope will not endorse women priests.
- Why the Church will always uphold traditional marriage.
- Pope Benedict's legacy and contributions to affirming the rights and concerns of women around the world.
- What Benedict's resignation can teach us.
- The Catholic Church and its continued relevance in the world.