Contact: Matt Waters, 202-257-5054
WASHINGTON, March 16, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- Pundits from across the political spectrum are up in arms over the rise of populism in this election cycle--but what none has pointed out is the fact that Donald Trump is merely echoing conservative godfather Richard A. Viguerie.
In 1983, conservative activist Richard A. Viguerie wrote a book that detailed his recommendations for a conservative victory, called, "The Establishment vs. The People: Is a New Populist Revolt on the Way?"
Thirty-three years later, and in the new political age of Trump, Viguerie's observations and prescriptions sound eerily similar to the debate taking place in 2016. While Viguerie, now 82, endorsed Ted Cruz, his book may well be the strategy document behind Donald Trump's campaign.
Right off the bat, Viguerie defines The Establishment as, "…the class of persons with unusual access to the political process, whether gained through economic power or social status or through an old-boy network.
"It is characterized by the belief that people in general are not smart enough to manage their own affairs and, therefore, the government should select intelligent, qualified persons to run society…the members of the elite are part of the upper crust, either economically, socially, or as measured by how many university degrees they have. In the vast majority of cases, these members of the establishment have never got their hands dirty earning a living. They need not be rich; they may be professors, or bureaucrats, or TV commentators."
Viguerie's definition is spot on, and the editors at rags Left and Right, from the New York Times to The Weekly Standard, have completely missed this.
Viguerie then informs readers that The Establishment is actively opposed to the "We the People" idea of which The Framers built America on. Every single day the mainstream media pursue details regarding a not-so secretive meeting of GOP elites or the hopes of a "brokered convention" wherein the GOP Establishment is actively attempting to sabotage millions of voters who cast their vote in favor of abolishing the status quo.
What should interest beltway pundits, the media, and all of those in D.C. who have aligned themselves against Trump is Viguerie's chapter entitled, "100 Ways to Make America Great Again." Has a familiar ring to it, no? Here are a few of Richard's suggestions…
- Cut taxes and eliminate Social Security benefits for non-U.S. Citizens or foreign workers in the U.S. as illegal aliens;
- Reduce foreign aid by 50% and eliminate all U.S. funds going to the IMF;
- Illegal Aliens: Establish a ceiling on all legal immigration…we must control our borders.
Mother Jones despaired, "Trump has proposed an enormous tax cut…He would reduce federal tax revenue by $9.5 trillion over the next 10 years. That's a 45 percent reduction in projected revenues." The Weekly Standard predicted a week ago, "…if you believe that stopping Trump matters too, then Super Tuesday offered evidence this goal is achievable."
The Weekly Standard and Mother Jones agree, Trump and the supporters who support him are not only wrong, but wrong-headed. What appears to be the case is The Establishment, made up of editors, pundits, consultants, etc., are on one side, while Trump and The People are on the other.
Richard Viguerie asked the question, "Is a new populist revolt on the way?" Yes, Mr. Viguerie, it is.
Matt Waters is president of The Waters Agency, Direct Marketing for the RIGHT Cause. Matt worked for Richard Viguerie on two occasions. For more information visit