Contact: Sandra Lee Snowden, 312-953-3108, Sandra@reclaimchristmasforchrist.com; www.reclaimchristmasforchrist.com
WASHINGTON, Sept. 16, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- On Constitution Day, Tuesday, September 17, 2013, author and long-time Christian advocate Sandra Lee Snowden (photo) will be praying in front of the Capitol steps in Washington, D.C. to inspire Christians across America to rally behind their faith. "I want Christians across America to take action now in order to support and secure a nativity in their own state capitol, city, and town," says Sandra.
Sandra fought for three years in one of the largest federal court cases for a nativity display in her former hometown of Bay Harbor Islands, Florida. The federal court issued an opinion finding Bay Harbor Islands to be in violation of seven of Sanda's constitutional rights. Bay Harbor Islands paid $262,000 of taxpayer money in legal fees to combat Sandra's rights as a citizen, resulting in her court victory. Sandra signed a ten-year Consent Judgment with her then hometown, ensuring that her nativity would be displayed beside the town's menorah. "This is a big legal win for Baby Jesus," said Bill O'Reilly on Fox News, when Sandra was invited as guest on his show. Sandra was named one of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Miami-Dade County after forcing her mayor to step out of office, for referring to her request as "trivial."
Sandra claimed her right as a US Citizen to arrange for an American flag to be flown on Constitution Day above the capitol building in dedication to Reclaim Christmas for Christ's cause. "I would like to empower all Citizens to continue to stand up and stand strong against our elected officials who try to limit or silence our Constitutional rights of freedom of speech, freedom or religion, and equal protection," said Sandra, who expressed her excitement regarding her trip to DC.
The demand for Sandra's work has grown since her initial court battle, and she has decided to respond to the Christian community by launching her new website: www.reclaimchristmasforchrist.com. Sandra's site will serve as a community resource where Christians will be able to network and share their own stories about their experiences regarding nativities in their hometowns / state capitals. "We hope to partner with organizations across the country to provide free nativities to members, and aspire to offer accessible opportunities regarding legal advice surrounding this issue," said Sandra. Many organizations are expected to join together to support Reclaim Christmas for Christ, as Christians begin to rally for this cause.
Sandra invites all citizens to join her, or email prayers and pictures of nativities from around the world to share during her trip, where she will pray for religious rights, granting nativities in all US hometowns.
You can E-mail Sandra at: Sandra@reclaimchristmasforchrist.com
Call Sandra at c: (312) 953-3108
"Like" our facebook page: Reclaim Christmas for Christ.
Sandra will be at the Capitol steps praying under her flag from Sunrise 6:52 AM - Sunset 7:15 PM EST. Look for posters stating "Reclaim Christmas For Christ."