Association for the Beatification of Father Aloysius
June 20, 2022
LOS ANGELES, June 20, 2022 /Standard Newswire/ -- This week's gathering of the U.S. Catholic Bishops in San Diego during the Summer Solstice recalls the bishops meeting in Baltimore when they heard the request by Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles regarding a saintly priest, Father Aloysius and his Sainthood Cause. Some were surprised by reference to a "mystical grace" within Catholic belief of the Eucharist, the center of Catholic worship. Catholics believe that the bread and wine consecrated by the priest at Mass becomes the real Body and Blood of Christ vs. a mere symbol.
Father Aloysius was reported to have "retained the sacred species from Communion to Communion." At their meeting Cardinal Justin Rigali and Bishop Placido Rodriguez explained how the founder of the Claretian Missionaries, St. Anthony Mary Claret, had experienced this "same mystic grace." Father Aloysius emulated his founder, and it's not surprising that he would have experienced this same mystical grace. This "retaining the sacred species" had been examined by Rome when Archbishop Claret was canonized in 1950. USCCB bishops voted to support the sainthood cause for Fr. Aloysius Ellacuria, CMF at their 2015 annual meeting.
Born on June 21, 1905, the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, Father Aloysius was baptized the following day, on the Feast of Corpus Christi, the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. Since childhood, Fr. Aloysius additionally had a special devotion to St. Michael the Archangel. Coincidentally, on June 21st of each year, Aloysius' birthday, the sun sets on a direct line where seven monasteries of Europe are located. This line has been called St. Michael's Sword. Father Aloysius, known as a miracle worker, dedicated a Prayer Guild to St. Michael's patronage, whose protection he counted upon and referenced.
As the USCCB bishops meet in San Diego to ponder again the mystery of the Eucharist, the Corpus Christi, they will continue to be edified by the example of Father Aloysius, who drew strength from "the Body and Blood of Christ," so much so, that the holy man attributed the greatest efficacy in his priestly ministry to this special Eucharistic grace.
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles celebrates the Anniversary Memorial Mass of Servant of God, Father Aloysius Ellacuria, CMF on Saturday, June 25th at 10:00 am. The Mass will be live-streamed.
For more information, contact Claretian Missionaries, West Coast office, at 626-443-2009 or email moralese@claretians.org.
SOURCE Association for the Beatification of Father Aloysius
CONTACT: Fr. Kevin Pius, 512-773-5447, fr.kevin.manion@gmail.com