Contact: Bob Sturm, 703-392-7676,
MANASSAS, Va., June 11, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- Richard A. Viguerie, author of TAKEOVER, The 100-Year War for the Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally Win It, and conservative political marketing pioneer, issued the following analysis in the wake of David Brat's historic defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in Tuesday's Virginia Republican primary election.
"Tens of thousands of Republican voters in Virginia 7 received the letters I sent in the closing days of the campaign in support of Dave Brat and to drive his message of change in Washington. Eric Cantor's defeat will have positive results for conservatives far beyond the immediate effect of killing Cantor's amnesty for illegal aliens plan." (View a sample of my two letters through this link:
"While the House Republican leadership has been thrown into disarray by Eric Cantor's defeat, rank and file Republicans got the message loud and clear. Eric Cantor's defeat will have the salutary effect of stiffening the spines of House Republicans.
"Eric Cantor's defeat also guarantees more gridlock in Washington and no progress on Obama's agenda during the final two years of his presidency. Conservatives in the House are now emboldened to fight and the grassroots are energized like never before; there will be no amnesty bill, no job killing climate change legislation and no chance that House conservatives can be browbeaten into going along with other so-called compromises with Obama that grow spending and government.
"As I pointed out in my new book TAKEOVER, Eric Cantor had become fully invested in House Speaker John Boehner's lobbyist-driven legislative agenda. From breaking the spending caps in the sequester to voting for the Wall Street bailout through the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), Cantor always sided with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Capitol Hill establishment when faced with a choice between growing government and fighting for limited-government constitutional conservative principles. Amnesty for illegal aliens was just the latest in a long list of betrayals conservatives suffered at the hands of Eric Cantor.
"The real reason Cantor lost is not amnesty; it is that grassroots limited government constitutional conservative voters wanted to send a message that they are fed-up with having their views and values arrogantly ignored and disrespected by Washington's Republican professional political class."
Richard A. Viguerie pioneered political direct mail and has been called "one of the creators of the modern conservative movement" (The Nation) and one of the "conservatives of the century" (Washington Times). He is the author of the new book, Takeover: The 100-Year War for the Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally Win It (