Contact: Michael Scippa, 415-548-0492; Pete Ratajczak, 415-257-2488; Gilberto
SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Aug. 15 /Standard Newswire/ -- The California State Board of Equalization (BOE), under the strong leadership of State Controller John Chiang, made history today when they set in motion a rulemaking procedure to tax alcopops as distilled spirits, instead of the current "beer" classification. The decision was immediately applauded by alcohol activists and youth from the California Youth and Alcopops Coalition, the group that initiated the drive with a petition to the BOE last fall.
"Flavored Malt beverages should be taxes as distilled spirits because they fall under the category of distilled spirits, as written in
"This is an enlightened step forward in controlling underage consumption of alcohol," said Bruce Lee Livingston, MPP, Executive Director of Marin Institute. "For generations, Big Alcohol has evaded proper taxation on these products. Now, the state will benefit and the health and well-being of our youth will be improved."
A recent Marin Institute report detailed the true costs of the consumption of alcopops by underage youth in
"Public policy trumped corporate-influenced politics today," said Michele Simon, Director of Research and Policy at Marin Institute. "It's a great victory not just for the people and state of
In addition to Controller Chiang's "yes" vote, board members Judy Chu and Betty Yee also voted for the change. Members Bill Leonard and Michele Steele voted no. The proposed tax could increase the average price of alcopops by an estimated 25 percent and generate over $40 million for the state treasury. In addition, the funds could be used for alcohol prevention programs and emergency medical center expenses.
Marin Institute is an alcohol industry watchdog based in