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Jeb Bush Earns 'Gay' Praise for Urging 'Respect for Rule of Law' as Activist Judge Overthrows Florida's Traditional Marriage Amendment

Contact: Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, 312-324-3787,; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera 

NAPERVILLE, Ill., Jan. 9, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality;

    It is becoming apparent that Jeb Bush is the favorite Republican Party presidential contender of the Washington Blade—D.C.'s "gay news source"--due to his politically-correct evolution on homosexuality and same-sex "marriage."

    The Blade and other liberal media report favorably every time the former Florida governor moves away from the conservative, pro-family, Republican platform defending marriage as between man and woman.

    On January 5, the "gay" Blade happily reported that Bush "struck a softer tone" with his nuanced response to District Judge Robert Hinkle's overthrow of Florida's pro-natural-marriage amendment, which had passed with 62 percent of the vote in 2008. Here is Bush's wishy-washy reaction to the Clinton-appointed judge's outrageous overreach:

      "We live in a democracy, and regardless of our disagreements, we have to respect the rule of law…I hope that we can show respect for the good people on all sides of the gay and lesbian marriage issue – including couples making lifetime commitments to each other who are seeking greater legal protections and those of us who believe marriage is a sacrament and want to safeguard religious liberty."

    Rule of law? What rule of law?! Perhaps a few hundred thousand Republicans--of the 4,890,883 Florida voters who cast ballots to preserve the common-sense definition marriage--might demand an answer from Bush to this question: 

      "Why should we respect a judge's 'evolving-Constitution' interpretation of the law when the same judge shows zero respect for We the People—as he arrogantly casts aside the people's clearly expressed will against legalizing homosexuality-based 'marriage'?"

    Of course, such trivialities as rendering nearly five million Florida votes meaningless matter little to the "gay" Blade, whose reporter cooed:

      "While [Bush's] remarks don't signal support for the right of same-sex couples to marry, they're a shift in tone from comments the former Florida governor made to The Miami Herald in which he said states should decide the marriage issue. [Bush said:} 'It ought to be a…state decision…The people of the state decided. But it's been overturned by the courts, I guess.'"

    A few weeks earlier, under the gushy headline, "Is Jeb a kindler, more gay-friendly Bush?" the Blade reported excitedly Bush's complaint that Republicans come off as too "anti-gay" (and anti-immigrant, etc.).

    Despite their applause for Bush's "moderation" (read: Democrat-lite social liberalism), pro-homosexual-"marriage" forces and Democratic activists won't be satisfied until the ex-Florida governor fully embraces "marriage equality"--the LGBT propaganda term for legalizing sodomy-based, Nature-defying counterfeit "marriages."

    Tragically, Bush's lackluster response to Judge Hinkle's imperious negation of Florida's marriage amendment is typical of GOP "leaders" who are eager to ditch the "gay marriage" issue altogether--even though it has brought many millions of pro-family voters to the polls nationwide ever since Massachusetts' highest court first imposed same-sex "marriage" on the Bay State in 2004:
    • In Wisconsin, Gov. Scott Walker capitulated without protest to a court-imposed evisceration of the marriage amendment passed by 59 percent of Badger State voters in 2006—part of his change of heart on the issue.
    • In Michigan, Gov. Rick Snyder, after a court ruling overturning that state's marriage amendment, said he had never taken a position on same-sex "marriage." Democrats quickly provided footage of a 2010 debate in which Snyder defended normal marriage. 
    • In Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Corbett refused to even appeal a federal court decision toppling the state's 1996 defense-of-marriage law.

    And In Oklahoma, where a whopping 76 percent of voters cast ballots for the state's pro-marriage amendment in 2004, Gov. Mary Fallin merely issued a press statement after legalized homosexual "marriages" were forced on the Sooner State by the same Supreme Court non-action that legalized  genderless "marriage" in Wisconsin, Indiana, Utah and Virginia. Fallin would be a conservative hero today –and probably a GOP vice-presidential prospect in 2016--had she chosen instead to defy the out-of-control judiciary and honor Oklahomans' landslide vote ostensibly preserving real, God-ordained marriage.

    The times demand statesmen with the courage to challenge what Phyllis Schlafly accurately labels "judicial supremacy"—which has disenfranchised millions upon millions of American voters on traditional marriage. It appears Jeb Bush is not up to the task, but he is not alone among a bevy of GOP governors, politicians and libertarian-minded pundits who have chosen pandering over principle on this critical issue that speaks to the character of a nation—a nation that claims to be "under God" while defying His moral law and created natural order.

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (, based outside Chicago, opposes homosexual and transgender activism. Sign up for AFTAH's weekly email newsletter HERE.

Write Brad Wallis at to schedule an AFTAH speaker.