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Co-Ed Bathrooms? Chaplain Debates Transgender on ENDA Bill that 1) Violates Children and 2) Bankrupts Christian Bakers, Florists, Photographers -- You

Contact: Chaplain Klingenschmitt, 719-360-5132,; Bio --

WASHINGTON, Aug. 28, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- Former Navy Chaplain "Dr. Chaps" Klingenschmitt, now TV Anchor of PIJN NEWS, just interviewed a cross-dressing transgender man Dr. Dana Beyer on Capitol Hill at the Senate Dirksen Building after a U.S. Senate Committee marked up the bathroom bill so-called ENDA "Employment Non-Discrimination Act."

Watch the shocking news video here:
"What is Transgender? Chaplain debates ENDA Cross-Dresser"

In the above video, the transgender man defends the ENDA bill, which passed a Senate committee 15-7 and may soon become law. But he/she essentially admitted the bill would 1) force all business owners to allow cross-dressing men to use the women's bathroom and girls locker rooms 2) punish, fine, and subject to lawsuits and bankruptcy any Christian business owner who resists the gay agenda, and 3) subject women and little girls to public exposure by any man who "feels" like a woman and wants to parade his male parts in front of little girls.

It's already happening. At Evergreen State College, a 45-year old man exposed his male parts to young girls in a women's locker room, but could not be arrested because Washington State law protects his "right" to shower in the girls locker. In Colorado, a Christian baker Jack Phillips is being prosecuted for refusing gay "wedding" cakes. In New Mexico, Christian photographers Elaine and Jonathan Huguenin were fined for refusing to photograph a gay "ceremony." In Washington State, a Christian florist Baronelle Stutzman is being sued for "discrimination" for refusing to cater to a homosexual "wedding." ENDA would punish all Christian businesses nationwide if YOU resist transgender demands.

YOU CAN INTERVIEW a leading national activist on pro-family issues, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD (aka "Dr. Chaps"), the former Navy Chaplain who was vindicated by Congress after facing his own court-martial for praying "in Jesus' name" in uniform. He leads The Pray In Jesus Name Project which has helped change the law in 12 states to restore free speech, and has delivered 4.5 million fax petitions to Congress for pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-Jesus, and pro-Israel issues.

"Dr. Chaps" earned his PhD in Theology at Regent University, is an Air Force Academy (Political Science) graduate, motivational speaker, and TV news anchor of PIJN NEWS which airs in 37 million cable TV homes nationwide. Watch daily by subscribing free here:

Call for TV/radio/print interviews: 719-360-5132, or email, or read "Dr. Chaps" full bio here: