Contact: Ben Peterson, PR Specialist, OCP, 503-460-5363
PORTLAND, Oregon, July 29 /Standard Newswire/ -- OCP has released an expanded version of the popular Today's Missal program, offering complete Lectionary readings for Sundays, holy days AND weekdays throughout the year.
"Most parishes have weekday Masses--and a dedicated group attending them," says OCP Publisher John Limb. "We're proud to provide a missal that supports those communities."
Started in 1934 as My Sunday Missal--one of the first "pamphlet-missals" to be printed in English--Today's Missal is now the most widely used missal program in the United States.
Features of the new Today's Missal with Daily Readings include:
Daily Mass section with complete Lectionary readings, psalm refrain and verses, antiphons, all three presidential prayers, and hymn suggestions
Content for optional memorials: Scripture citations, entrance antiphon, opening prayer, psalm response and Communion antiphon
All the great features of Today's Missal--seasonal music and everything you need for Sundays and holy days for the entire year
Three seasonal issues, plus the annual Music Issue (included with subscription)
Excellent second missal--get 50 for your daily Mass chapel
Large-print size book--fits OCP's large missal covers
Devotional resource for individual, at-home Scripture study
Daily Readings Section Format
Suggested hymn for the day (appropriate to the day or season)
Entrance antiphon
Opening prayer
Complete first reading, plus second reading for holy days
Responsorial psalm (refrain and all verses)
Gospel acclamation (verse and response)
Complete Gospel reading
Prayer over the gifts
Communion antiphon
Prayer after Communion
For more information on Today's Missal with Daily Readings or any of OCP's other products, services and artists, visit or call 1-800-548-8749.
About OCP
OCP, a not-for-profit publisher of liturgical music and worship resources based in Portland, Oregon, has been in operation for more than 80 years. Worship materials produced by OCP are used in two-thirds of Catholic churches in the United States and are distributed worldwide.