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Goodbye Rudy Tuesday -- Or as All Oz Sang: 'Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead'

Contact: The "Stop Rudy" Tour, 904-461-0834;


JACKSONVILLE, Florida, Jan. 29 /Standard Newswire/ -- But why did so many "pro-life" people and organizations betray the pro-life cause to support Rudy?


Statement from Randall Terry, Founder of Operation Rescue:


"Rudy Giuliani's campaign is now in its death rattles. We hope to celebrate the funeral any day now. 


"I believe his drop in Florida is largely the result of pro-life, pro-family activists who have dogged him here for weeks, and exposed him for the fraud he is. (Similar activities took place in New Hampshire.) Many local TV news networks and newspapers covered the confrontations between Giuliani and pro-life Republicans in city after city.


"Rudy's plummet in the polls was surely the result of his pro-choice, pro-homosexual rights, anti-second amendment record. In short, he is not a true Republican. He never was, and short of a miracle involving the conversion of his soul, he never will be.


"One major story concerning his early rise to popularity is the number of Republicans who claim to be pro-life, pro-marriage, and pro-second amendment that betrayed their core principles to get behind the 'front runner' when Rudy was the leading Republican. Elected officials at the federal, state, and local level - who claim to be 'pro-life' and 'pro-marriage' put expediency ahead of the lives of innocent unborn children, and ahead of the sacrament of marriage. 


"The judgment of those men and women must be questioned in the future for their shortsightedness; but more directly, their treachery to Christian Truth and Law makes their endorsement of Rudy contemptible. 'Thou Shall not Murder' should have taken precedence over backroom promises and photo ops with 'America's Mayor.'


"And finally, the silence of other pro-life advocated and groups deserves special notice. I was told again and again: 'We cannot attack Rudy. He is the only one who can beat Hillary.' And this: 'If Rudy is the nominee, he must defeat Hillary. And we don't want a wounded GOP candidate.' In other words, we'll take a baby killer, as long as he is a Republican baby killer. Pro-life groups and leaders put party ahead of principle, and were willing to help a child-killer by their silence.


"And then they wonder why so few people in power take pro-lifers seriously."


To schedule an interview with Mr. Terry, call 904 461 0834


Stop Rudy Tour photos available online.