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Alveda King: Pray for Leaders and Candidates

"Pray for everyone you know... especially for rulers and we can be quietly about our business of living..." -- 1 Timothy 2:1-3 MSG

Contact: Leslie Palma, 347-286-7727

ATLANTA, Jan. 20, 2016 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Dr. Alveda King:

    When asked about Governor Palin's recent endorsement, I told Neil Cavuto when he asked me about the Trump phenomenon that: "Shake-ups aren't always bad."

    In the upcoming days with all of the elections before us, let's be mindful and prayerful because our nation and our world are in trouble. Let's pray for all leaders and candidates and rely on God to guide us to the voting booths and obey God's directions when we get there.

    No politics as usual, no dirty tricks. It can't be about our favorites this time. It's not to be a personality contest because there's too much at stake.

    At the end of the day, we'll need to vote for a winner. We need to be able to cast a vote without having participated in character assassinations in order to advance our favorites. We can't afford to hate any candidate.

    We need to overcome abortion, heal and strengthen the procreative family, combat poverty and violence and racism. We need to minimize war and put America back to work. We need to be free to worship God in the public square. We need to love each other in an Agape way; and as my Uncle MLK said: "We must learn to live together as brothers [and sisters] or perish together as fools."

    Pray for America.