What's So Bad About Pornography?
Author exposes one of the biggest (and most impactful) industries in the world
Contact: Kevin Wandra, 404-788-1276, KWandra@CarmelCommunications.com
SAN FRANCISCO, March 28, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- Virginia, Utah and South Dakota have declared pornography a public health crisis. And notable figures in Hollywood, including former Playboy model Pamela Anderson and actors Terry Crews and Russell Brand, have spoken out against the dangers of pornography, a big business that generates $10 billion to $12 billion in the United States alone, according to NBC News. But the commonly held belief is that pornography is a harmless and even beneficial pastime. Author Matt Fradd separates the myths from the facts about porn, drawing on the experience of porn performers and users, and the expertise of neurologists, sociologists and psychologists, to demonstrate that pornography is destructive to individuals, relationships and society in his new book, THE PORN MYTH: Exposing the Reality Behind the Fantasy of Pornography.
Fradd provides insightful (and nonreligious) arguments, supported by the latest scientific research, to discredit the fanciful claims used to defend and promote pornography in THE PORN MYTH. He explains the neurological reasons porn is addictive, helps individuals learn how to be free of porn and offers real help to the parents and the spouses of porn users. Backed by recent research on pornography's harmful effects on the brain, Fradd is part of the growing wave of passionate individuals trying to change the pro-porn cultural norm by inspiring others to pursue real love and to avoid its hollow counterfeit.
Fradd aims to challenge our mentalities about porn, laying out a framework for exposing the negative impact of pornography and rethinking our passive consumption of digital sexuality. THE PORN MYTH is an invitation to love more purely, connect with others more authentically and experience joy more fully.
"Matt Fradd provides insightful arguments, with the latest research, on nearly every subject relevant to porn — from the dangers of the porn industry to the negative effects porn has on the brain," Dawn Hawkins, vice president and executive director of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, says of THE PORN MYTH. "He equips you to discuss the real harm of pornography and to dispel its myths."
All of the royalties from THE PORN MYTH will go to help Children of the Immaculate Heart, a non-profit corporation operating in San Diego, California, whose mission is to serve survivors of human trafficking.
For more information, to request a review copy, or to schedule an interview with Matt Fradd, please contact Kevin Wandra (404-788-1276 or KWandra@CarmelCommunications.com) of Carmel Communications.
Contact: Kevin Wandra, 404-788-1276, KWandra@CarmelCommunications.com
SAN FRANCISCO, March 28, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- Virginia, Utah and South Dakota have declared pornography a public health crisis. And notable figures in Hollywood, including former Playboy model Pamela Anderson and actors Terry Crews and Russell Brand, have spoken out against the dangers of pornography, a big business that generates $10 billion to $12 billion in the United States alone, according to NBC News. But the commonly held belief is that pornography is a harmless and even beneficial pastime. Author Matt Fradd separates the myths from the facts about porn, drawing on the experience of porn performers and users, and the expertise of neurologists, sociologists and psychologists, to demonstrate that pornography is destructive to individuals, relationships and society in his new book, THE PORN MYTH: Exposing the Reality Behind the Fantasy of Pornography.
Fradd provides insightful (and nonreligious) arguments, supported by the latest scientific research, to discredit the fanciful claims used to defend and promote pornography in THE PORN MYTH. He explains the neurological reasons porn is addictive, helps individuals learn how to be free of porn and offers real help to the parents and the spouses of porn users. Backed by recent research on pornography's harmful effects on the brain, Fradd is part of the growing wave of passionate individuals trying to change the pro-porn cultural norm by inspiring others to pursue real love and to avoid its hollow counterfeit.
Fradd aims to challenge our mentalities about porn, laying out a framework for exposing the negative impact of pornography and rethinking our passive consumption of digital sexuality. THE PORN MYTH is an invitation to love more purely, connect with others more authentically and experience joy more fully.
"Matt Fradd provides insightful arguments, with the latest research, on nearly every subject relevant to porn — from the dangers of the porn industry to the negative effects porn has on the brain," Dawn Hawkins, vice president and executive director of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, says of THE PORN MYTH. "He equips you to discuss the real harm of pornography and to dispel its myths."
All of the royalties from THE PORN MYTH will go to help Children of the Immaculate Heart, a non-profit corporation operating in San Diego, California, whose mission is to serve survivors of human trafficking.
For more information, to request a review copy, or to schedule an interview with Matt Fradd, please contact Kevin Wandra (404-788-1276 or KWandra@CarmelCommunications.com) of Carmel Communications.