Contact: Craig Cable, 970-292-4697
LOVELAND, Colo., Oct. 9, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- Practical solutions for fixing the healthcare system will be discussed at Lifetree Café community forums from coast to coast during the week of October 14, 2012.
The program, titled "Curing Healthcare: Practical Help for an Ailing Nation," features an exclusive filmed interview with healthcare insider Joe Flower, author of Healthcare Beyond Reform.
According to Flower, "In our system, people are one serious disease away from not only pain and suffering but also bankruptcy and permanent poverty."
Flower said, "We can provide better healthcare for half the cost. And the answer isn't really political. It's economic. We're getting what we pay for in healthcare -- but we're paying for the wrong thing."
Lifetree Café is a national network of venues where people gather for conversation about life and faith in a casual coffeehouse-type setting.
Religious officials and followers have entered the national healthcare debate after announcements about mandatory birth control coverage specified in the Affordable Health Care for America Act. The Lifetree events offer opportunities for community members to enter the debate, according to Lifetree Café national director Craig Cable.
Lifetree Café locations and times may be found at