Christian Ministry Involved in Town Council Prayer Case to Hold News Conference and Prayer Service in front of Supreme Court -- 1 PM Today
Contact: Patty Bills, Faith and Action, 202-546-8329.
WASHINGTON, May 5, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- The Reverend Dr. Rob Schenck (pronounced "SHANK"), a minister to top government officials in Washington, DC, who was involved in the Town of Greece v. Galloway case testing the constitutionality of public prayers, will hold a news conference and prayer service at 1:00 PM today in front of the United States Supreme Court to applaud today's decision upholding the practice.
Reverend Schenck said, "This is vindication of a long and important tradition in American culture and a reaffirmation of our God given, First Amendment guaranteed rights. This is a good decision by the majority on the Court and it is a good decision for our country."
Comment is also available from the Reverend Pat Madieros (pronounced MAH'-DEER-OSE), a Greece New York pastor who frequently offered the prayers at the center of the controversy. Both Schenck and Madieros attended the oral arguments in the case and filed amicus briefs with the Court.
Schenck is available at mobile, 202-656-1252 and Pastor Madieros is available at mobile, 585-746-7596.