Contact: Ermias Alemayehu, BOND, 323-782-1980, 213-804-1872,
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 15 /Standard Newswire/ -- The Nov. 25 deadly police shooting of 23-year-old Sean Bell, a black man, who was shot while trying to run over an officer outside a Queens New York strip club, has outraged Rev. Al Sharpton and other black leaders. But, prominent black minister and author Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson is questioning the silence over a Halloween beating of three white women by a black mob of youths aged 12 to 17 in
Rev. Peterson said, "Jesse Jackson and Al ('the Riot King') Sharpton claim to seek justice for all, yet they refuse to condemn this brutal racially motivated crime against three white women. These so-called 'black leaders' and the mainstream media have ignored this black-on-white crime, just as they ignore black-on-black crime."
Saying, "We're going shopping for justice this Christmas," Rev. Al Sharpton and a hundred black and Latino elected officials are planning a massive protest along
Rev. Peterson said, "It's clear that Sharpton and Jackson are only interested in 'justice' when it involves white-on-black or police on black altercations as evidenced by their refusal to condemn the black-on-white crime in
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson is founder and president of BOND (Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny), a national nonprofit organization founded for the purpose of "rebuilding the family by rebuilding the man." He's also the author of the book "SCAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America." For more information, visit