Maher and SNL Get Dirty
Contact: Jeff Field, Director of Communications, The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, 212-371-3191,
NEW YORK, Feb. 19, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- Bill Donohue comments on Friday night's "Real Time" show with Bill Maher, and the "Saturday Night Live" episode that aired the next night:
It was quite a weekend for the haters. Speaking of Pope Benedict XVI, Maher said, "Benedict told them he was going to resign because the Church needs a fresh young face. Somewhere other than a priest's lap." He then mocked the Church's teachings, imploring Catholics to quit. He ended his rant by condemning Catholicism for being "hostile towards women," comparing the Church to the Taliban.
"Saturday Night Live" (SNL) usually hits above the belt, but the segment it did on Jesus and the apostles on February 16 was vicious. The skit, "Djesus Uncrossed," was a take-off of "Django Unchained," the extraordinarily violent film that has been the source of much controversy. The SNL segment was itself uncharacteristically bloody; there was also a snide remark by the announcer saying the skit was less violent than "The Passion of the Christ."
Imagine what might happen if the Catholic Church succeeded in detaining women at St. Patrick's Cathedral for dressing improperly? Well, just last week, ten women were detained by the Israeli police for praying at the Western Wall wearing prayer shawls (only men are allowed to wear the shawls at the holy site). Imagine how much fun Maher could have with that? But he doesn't have the guts to go there.
Over the weekend, Muslims in Egypt set fire to a Christian church -- the second in a month. The church's cross was torn down and Christians were stoned by these barbarians. Imagine how much fun SNL could have with that? But they don't have the guts to go there.
For Maher, contact Richard Plepler:
For SNL, contact Jennifer Salke: