Judicial Watch Statement on State Dept Release of Huma Abedin's Govt Documents on Weiner's Laptop
Contact: Jill Farrell, Judicial Watch, 202-646-5172
WASHINGTON, Dec. 29, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding today's pending 3:00 pm (Eastern) release by the U.S. Department of State of Huma Abedin's work-related documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that were found on her estranged husband Anthony Weiner's personal laptop.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 29, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding today's pending 3:00 pm (Eastern) release by the U.S. Department of State of Huma Abedin's work-related documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that were found on her estranged husband Anthony Weiner's personal laptop.
This is a major victory. After years of hard work in federal court, Judicial Watch has forced the State Department to finally allow Americans to see these public documents. It will be in keeping with our past experience that Abedin's emails on Weiner's laptop will include classified and other sensitive materials. That these government docs were on Anthony Weiner's laptop dramatically illustrates the need for the Justice Department to finally do a serious investigation of Hillary Clinton's and Huma Abedin's obvious violations of law.
In accordance with a court ordered production of documents, a State Department court filing states: The State Department "identified approximately 2,800 work-related documents among the documents provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation."
MORE www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-statement-state-department-release-huma-abedins-government-documents-weiners-laptop/
MORE www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-statement-state-department-release-huma-abedins-government-documents-weiners-laptop/