New film follows a diverse group of demon-slaying preachers as they begin to spark the most important awakening in church history, in theaters March 13
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Locke Media
March 8, 2023
NASHVILLE, March 8, 2023 /Standard Newswire/ -- Censorship of dissenting opinions is all the rage these days, and controversial Pastor Greg Locke is a popular target. Several websites that share Christian content are now rejecting advertisements for Locke's new film, Come Out In Jesus Name. Why? Because of misinformation that is 50% lie and 50% error.
Locke's highly anticipated film is in theaters March 13, but thanks to these unwarranted cases of censorship, some Americans won't even learn of it. The film's online trailer has been viewed more than one million times, more than 500 church leaders registered to attend an exclusive screening of the film, and nearly 500 guests attended the worldwide premiere of the movie on March 4 in Nashville, producing rave reviews. Theaters are selling out all across the nation, and more dates will soon be added.
What makes the ongoing censorship efforts especially disturbing is that no one is protesting the content of the film, rather Pastor Locke's past controversies, and something Locke said (or didn't say) more than a year ago. Locke was teaching on the subject of demonic attacks during a Global Vision Bible Church livestream, and within minutes the Twitter-sphere and other social media platforms went wild with an early slanderous mis-quote by several of his most vocal detractors.
One website has launched a new petition soliciting signatures to remove the movie from all theaters. In a particular social media post, a detractor resurrected the slanderous accusation, writing, "One of the preachings of the debated film's protagonist, Pastor Locke, is that autism spectrum and similar disorders are the result of demonic possession," (emphasis added). In reality, Locke stated the exact opposite.
In the livestream sermon of question, Locke was making a Biblically correct point about the potential results of demonic oppression, not possession. After drawing an illustration of a parent's questioning after their child had been diagnosed with Autism, Locke said:
"Are you telling me my kid's possessed? No. I'm telling you your kid could be demonized and attacked but your doctor calls it autism." (Emphasis added) The terms demonized and attacked are Biblical words that point to oppression, not demon-possession.
"The point Pastor Locke was making, was that mysterious conditions are often misdiagnosed, and that many of these could be the result of demonic attacks that can only be healed through prayer and other Biblical means. It's that simple," said Wayne Caparas, the producer of the film and the leader of Locke Media. "To paraphrase, Pastor Locke clearly said, 'No. If your kid has been diagnosed with Autism, I am not saying he is demon-possessed. I'm saying your doctor might be misdiagnosing your kid, who might actually be under a demonic attack.' Contextually, this is the only meaning any honest person can take from Pastor Locke's straight-forward statement," Caparas said.
In an especially relevant moment in the film, Locke says, "God used controversy. He used the media. He used all of it to grow a massive-sized platform. But it was never about the controversy. It was never about the politics... God built our platform for deliverance." While Locke will likely continue speaking out about controversial issues, he and his team are seeking to put to rest this manufactured controversy designed by people who are willing to lie simply to silence him.
"What makes this lie especially egregious, is the fact that Pastor Locke made the statement in hopes of bringing healing, both physical and spiritual, to people who have been diagnosed with autism," says Caparas. "It's heartbreaking that people are allowed to publish lies on social media that may deter these people from seeking healing in Jesus' name. But that's one of Pastor Locke's motivations to make this film. The message of deliverance can no longer be silenced with lies."
About The film:
Pastor Greg Locke took a 180-degree turn from his mainstream religious traditions and led his church to the brink of revival. He and a diverse group of unconventional preachers then began to spark the most important awakening in church history — through the most unlikely means – by casting out demons.
The highly anticipated riveting new documentary, Come Out In Jesus Name, follows the beginnings of their epic journey from a small church in Tennessee to a global deliverance ministry. Knowledge is power, and in Come Out In Jesus Name, Locke and the team show Christians how to defeat the enemy and get delivered and set free.
Come Out In Jesus Name features Greg Locke, Tai Locke, Isaiah Saldivar, Alexander Pagani, Vladimir Savchuk, Daniel Adams, Mike Signorelli, Leon Du Preez, Henry Shaffer, Chiara Clark, and Hudson Locke.
The film is executive produced by Greg Locke, produced by Wayne Caparas, and directed by Eddie Lamberg and Tim Romero.
For tickets and more information, visit or
Rating: NR
Running Time: 90 minutes
Greg Locke is the Founding and Lead Pastor of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee, just outside Nashville. The social media firebrand, who has one of the largest platforms in the country, is the author of the No. 1 Bestselling Spiritual Warfare Series and host of On Point with Pastor Greg Locke. He is a popular revivalist and speaker in churches and political circles alike.
Locke Media produces broadcast-length news and teaching shows for a broad range of audiences, podcasts, and documentary films that deal with issues found at the front line of the global spiritual battle. Come Out In Jesus Name is the first in a series of feature length films Locke Media has in the works.
SOURCE Locke Media
Opponents of Pastor Greg Locke Censor His Riveting New Documentary, 'Come Out In Jesus Name'