Newly Released British Videos Expose the Error of John Piper's 'Christian Hedonism' and 'Passion Conference'
Contact: Cathy Mickels, 360-387-7373
SEATTLE, Jan. 10, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- In response to the recent Passion Conference and the influence of John Piper's doctrine of "Christian hedonism," two newly released British videos titled, "Piper's Journey into Hedonism" and "Piper in the Dark," have been released. Published by British author Dr. E.S. Williams, a member of London's Metropolitan Tabernacle Church, he warns that John Piper is no longer a sound, reliable evangelical leader believers can trust.
Focusing on Piper's twisted doctrine of "Christian hedonism", and his promotion and involvement in the irreverent, worldly Passion Conference, the videos show Piper's loss of discernment.
Joining in their support of the videos are Cathy Mickels, co-author of "Spiritual Junk Food: The Dumbing Down of Christian Youth," former Washington state director of Phyllis Schlafly's conservative Eagle Forum, and Denise Gumprecht, a longtime Christian researcher studying the trends and dangers associated with falsehood and error within the modern-day church.
Stating it is symbolic that this warning is coming from the church of Charles Spurgeon, Mickels and Gumprecht also affirm, "While the evangelical establishment in the United States turns a blind eye to the downgrade in our midst, these videos highlight why there is growing concern regarding Piper's aiding and abetting of error, his bad judgment, and his theological carelessness.
Mickels and Gumprecht also point to the warnings of Dr. Peter Masters, pastor of Charles Spurgeon's church, who described Piper's "Christian hedonism" as "a very strange term, because hedonism is, for Christians, a bad word. Hedonism means the pursuit of pleasure as the chief good, but in the case of this new scheme of spiritual living, it refers to the pursuit of pleasure in God."
Claiming this is just one aspect of a much bigger problem of the dumbing down of the church, Mickels and Gumprecht add, "Christians should question leaders who use the culture of hip-hop as bait and intentionally create the characteristics of a worldly rock concert to draw young-adults to Christ."
Furthermore, Mickels and Gumprecht observe, "Piper's followers are quick to forget it was also John Piper's continued support of Mark Driscoll that validated his ministry of irreverence and perversion in the church. Even today Piper admits he has no regrets. What does this say about his discernment and leadership?"
Both Gumprecht and Mickels want to remind believers to heed the Scriptural warnings of 2 John 9-11, regarding whom they will support and validate.
In conclusion, in Dr. E.S. William's book, "The New Calvinists: Changing the Gospel," writing about John Piper, he says, "When a measure of doctrinal soundness is accompanied by such serious mistakes, the damage to God's people is far greater than where the erring person is altogether unsound in doctrine. If pastors and churches are influenced to adopt the same looseness in implementing conservative convictions there will be untold harm to Gospel work, and vulnerable believers will be plunged into tragic worldliness."