Pro-Life Women's Organization Applies to be a Partner in 'Women's March on Washington' to Share Message of Ending the Violence of Abortion
Contact: Kate Bryan, Stanton Healthcare, 202-567-7681
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- Stanton Healthcare, a life-affirming women's medical clinic, applied to be a partner in the Women's March on Washington to share a message of ending the violence of abortion. Stanton Healthcare is awaiting a reply from march organizers.
In their application to be a partner, Stanton Healthcare stated;
"Stanton Healthcare can mobilize women to attend the march who will embrace human rights and social justice for all while standing against the violence of abortion. They will also encourage women to participate in the march who will challenge the federal government to defund Planned Parenthood and give that $540,000,000 to federally licensed health clinics that provide more comprehensive women's health care services."
Stanton Healthcare hopes Women's March on Washington organizers will embrace a diverse, broad and inclusive community of women's voices and allow the message of justice and ending the violence of abortion to be clearly heard.
Brandi Swindell, Founder and CEO, states;
"We have applied to be a partner in the 'Women's March on Washington' not as a protest, but to ensure a diverse and wide spectrum of women's voices will be heard. This is especially true concerning ending the violence of abortion and defunding Planned Parenthood.
"Throughout history, women have been at the forefront and leaders in being a powerful voice for human rights, equality and standing against violence. It would be hard to imagine any women's march, that was truly committed to human rights and feminist principles, failing to address the tragic violence of abortion and its impact on women in particular and our culture in general.
"We wait with hopeful anticipation the WMW will approve Stanton's application to be a partner in this event and allow all women's voices to be heard which has been the March's stated purpose from the beginning."
Catherine Glenn Foster, civil rights attorney and Founder and President of Sound Legal Group, adds;
"We are applying to partner with the Women's March on Washington in order to represent the full spectrum of women advocating for human rights and nonviolence for all, and confronting injustice towards the marginalized members of our society. If the Women's March claims to speak for women, it must include the voices of women speaking out against the inherent inequality, paternalism, and violence of abortion.
"Only by partnering with women willing to speak truth to power about the leading cause of death in the United States today, can the Women's March credibly claim to stand for women and acknowledge the ability and strength of women to do more than we have been given credit for."
Kate Bryan, Senior Policy Analyst for Stanton Public Policy Center, comments;
"The platform that the Women's March on Washington has created for women's voices has already become a powerful one. People around the world are watching and many are participating in this historic March. Abortion doesn't empower women, rather it hinders them from being empowered and recognizing the power they have to give life to another. Abortion is the greatest human rights injustice of our time, not just against the children in the womb, but against women.
"We live in a time in our world where women need to feel valued and empowered, and where they feel they have the power to speak. I will be there standing against the violence of abortion that has torn apart the lives of women and their children. We deserve better than the violence of abortion."
For more information or interviews contact: Kate Bryan at (202) 567-7681