'Never Too Late: Life Interrupted by the Supernatural'
Contact: Kay Kay McDermott, 505-918-6200
ALBUQUERQUE, July 18, 2018 /Standard Newswire/ -- Wonder if the supernatural is still happening? "Never Too Late: Life Interrupted by the Supernatural" is an undeniably profound book.
Available worldwide on amazon.com in printed and Kindle format, Never Too Late: Life Interrupted by the Supernatural is the supernatural, true story of the many exciting and wonderful things that have happened in Kay Kay and her husband's lives.
REMEMBER...it is NEVER too late. God is bigger and will and can help you.
"These are not stories but very true to my life encounters with history, God and the supernatural. Many speculate that I must have been dreaming or been in some drug-induced state, or that it is a fictitious imagination or an allegory to promote spiritualism propaganda. None of these are true." -- Kay Kay McDermott, author of Never Too Late: Life Interrupted by the Supernatural.
Contact K.K. Mac and the ministry of Holy Smoke at www.holysmokeministries.org