"Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel would violate Muslim dogma...nevertheless, President Trump should proceed." Randall Terry, Creator of "What Would Muhammad Do? Islamic Terrorism Explained."
Contact: Marc Vincent, Publicist, 334-440-4611, 877-475-WWMD (9963)
MEDIA ADVISORY, Jan. 26, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- Randall Terry is available for interview to explain the significance of Jerusalem in Muslim history and theology.
Background and items to be discussed:
- Muslims refer to Jerusalem as al-Quds.
- Muslims believe Muhammad had a "night flight" to Jerusalem on a flying horse, and landed on the site of Solomon's Temple, where he met other prophets and led them in prayer. (Mr. Terry will relate this story.)
- The requirement for Muslims to pray five times a day does not come from the Quran, but from the story of Muhammad's night flight to Jerusalem, and his ascension into heaven to meet God.
- This is the site that Muslims allege that God took Muhammad up to heaven. (Mr. Terry will explain.)
- Muhammad ordered multiple Jewish tribes in Arabia to be killed or exiled during his lifetime, thus integrating anti-semitism within Islamic theology. (Mr. Terry will delineate these events.)
- Muslims hold Jews as "the first enemies of the Muslims." (Mr. Terry will elaborate.)
- Muslims hold that the Jews have no right to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, because Jews reject Muhammad as the last true prophet. (This is a matter of Muslim theology.)
- Muslims believe that al-Aqsa (one of two mosques on the Temple Mount) is one of three holy locations that a Muslim can make a pilgrimage for worship. Muhammad said:
"He said: I heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) saying: Do not set out on a journey (for religious devotion) but for the three mosques-for this mosque of mine (at Medina) the Sacred Mosque (at Mecca), and the Mosque al-Aqsa (Bait al-Maqdis)..." Sahih Muslim, Book #007, Hadith #3009.
For these reasons (and others) we can expect that NO Muslim nation will agree with President Trump recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capitol.
Mr. Terry holds a Masters Degree in Diplomacy with a concentration in International Terrorism from Norwich university. He has spent over ten years studying Islam and Islamic terrorism.
After two years of production he has released a movie series: "What Would Muhammad Do? Islamic Terrorism Explained."
View a segment of "What Would Muhammad Do?" at www.wwmd-tv.com.