Troy Newman, President, 316-841-1700; Cheryl Sullenger, Outreach & Media Coordinator, 316-516-3034; both with Operation Rescue
Photo: Nativity Scene before theft. Photo by Keith Mason
The plastic Nativity Scene, consisting of likenesses of Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, and a donkey were placed outside the notorious abortion clinic, as part of a national campaign called The Nativity Project.
The Nativity Project was launched by the Christian Defense Coalition and Faith and Action for the purpose of affirming the message of Christ’s Incarnation as well as the rights to free speech and religious expression. Participants are urged to maintain Nativity Scenes on public property from now until Christmas.
John Rayburn, an employee of Tiller’s who supplies security services for the abortionist, told witnesses that the display was “offensive” to him. He picked up the display and placed it behind the fence that surrounds the abortion clinic parking lot.
Operation Rescue President Troy Newman summoned the police and asked for the return of his property. After some investigation, Officer D. L. Hinners returned the property to Newman who replaced it back onto the public grassy strip.
A report was filed (case number 06C96619) requesting that the charge of petty larceny be filed against Rayburn for stealing the religious display. The District Attorney’s office will make a determination whether or not to pursue the charges.
Operation Rescue is offering free tickets to the movie “The Nativity” to the first 50 people who volunteer to watch over the Nativity display at Tiller’s abortion clinic between now and Christmas.
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in