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Historic Global Prayer Call -- 40 Days of Prayer, Fasting and Repentance, 6 August - 14 September 2013

Media contacts listed at the end of this release

UNANDERRA, Australia, July 29, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- The Billion Souls Revival Prayer Call from 6 August – 14 September 2013 is making history in more ways than one. As E. M. Bounds said; "God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world the better the world will be." This Global 40 Day Prayer Call will culminate in an International Day of Prayer, Fasting and Repentance on Saturday 14 September 2013. This day of repentance coincides with Yom Kippur, Israel's National Day of Atonement. This Global Prayer Call has a simple four point focus.

  1. Pray for a worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit for revival and transformation of the nations of the world.
  2. Pray for a billion people to find Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
  3. Pray for an end to abortion and for God to turn back the tide of death and immorality that is sweeping the nations of the world.
  4. Pray for a multiplication of prayer, praise and worship to God across the world as never before, to bring great glory to God.
Historically the Billion Souls Revival Prayer Call is the first to draw together such a broad group of international prayer and evangelism ministries and nations for 40 Days of Global Prayer, Fasting and Repentance. Thirty-nine key national and international Christian leaders, who have a deep passion for revival and transformation, have contributed to the 40 Day devotional
Many other leaders not listed in this devotional from around the world are supporting this Global Prayer Call. These leaders represent over a dozen countries including: USA, Australia, Argentina, UK, China, India, Mozambique, Malawi, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, South Korea and South Africa. The list is growing day by day. As Andrew Murray once said; "He who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history."
Secondly, the Billion Souls Revival Prayer Call is historic because it is the first global call of its kind to draw together prayer for social justice issues and world evangelism. Issues such as abortion and the rising tide of immorality, which is the driving force behind the explosion in human sex trafficking, with the specific prayer request for a release of a Billion Souls into the kingdom of God. Proverbs 11:30 says, "He that wins souls is wise."
Thirdly, the Billion Souls Revival Prayer Call has a strong emphasis on repentance. Daniel and Nehemiah’s life of prayer, fasting and repentance led to both revival and transformation for their nation in their respective periods of history. These brave Old Testament prophets give us an example of humility to aspire to, and the undersigned leaders encourage Christians around the world to join, as they are able, in this extended time of prayer, fasting and repentance for a worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit for revival and transformation for the nations of the world.  Jesus Christ said in Matthew 17:21, "an evil spirit of this kind is only driven out by prayer and fasting."
Supporters and International Contacts:
1.       Dave Butts:  Chairman - America's National Prayer Committee, USA -  Ph:  812 208 1866
2.       Ian Cole:  Founder - World Prayer Centre, UK -  Ph:  44 121 633 7393
3.       Ps Jeff Daly:  Founder - International Day of Prayer, Fasting and Repentance, USA - Ph: 707 987 9082
4.       Daniel Ko:  Prayer Leader - South Korea – Email:
5.       Daniel Lim: CEO -  International House of Prayer Kansas City, USA – Ph: 334 444 7424
6.       Warwick Marsh:  Coordinator - Billion Souls Revival Prayer Call, Australia – Ph: 61 418 225 212
7.       Ps Shibu Matthew: Coordinator -Bethel Faith Mission - Inland & International Ministries, India - Ph: 91 9871 172 582
8.       John Robb:  Chairman - International Prayer Council & World Prayer Assembly, USA -
9.       David and Marilyn Rowsome:  Billion Souls Revival Prayer Team, Australia - Ph: 61 7 3422 0969  
10.   Carlos Scott: Mision GloCal, Past President of COMIBAM International, Argentina - Ph: 54 11 4642 1036
11.   Isebel Spandenburg:  Coordinator - Global Day of Prayer & GPRN, South Africa - Ph: 27 21 855 2433
12.   David Bereit: Cofounder - 40 Days for Life, USA - Email: