For more information, see: http://familypolicy.net/us/?p=167
Contact: Joe Glover, Family Policy Network, 916-265-2674, 202-470-5095, ext. 456
MEDIA ADVISORY, July 20 /Standard Newswire/ -- Two Christian pro-family organizations are working together to form an evangelistic outreach in California this weekend, designed to confront "gay pride" parade attendees with the truth that Jesus Christ can set them free from the sin of homosexuality.
The Virginia-based Family Policy Network (FPN) has contracted an aerial advertising company to fly an airplane banner over the San Diego "gay pride" parade this Saturday at approximately 11:45 a.m. The message on the banner will read, "JESUS CHRIST: WWW.HOPEFORHOMOSEXUALS.COM."
The banner is one of several that FPN has contracted to fly over pro-homosexual events throughout the nation this year -- in most cases with the help of a local sponsor. This weekend's sponsor is the California-based "Defend the Family International," which is a service of Abiding Truth Ministries in Temecula, CA. Previous "gay pride" events visited by the Hope Days banner in 2007 have included Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, Columbus (OH) and Philadelphia.
FPN President Joe Glover expressed his concerns for the participants in this weekend's events by saying, "Homosexuality is nothing to celebrate. It has grave consequences, both physical and spiritual." He added, "The hope of all who sin, including homosexuals, is the chance to turn from sin and embrace the redemption God makes available through His Son, Jesus Christ."
Visit Hope for Homosexuals at: http://hopeforhomosexuals.com/