Contact: Dr Jerome Teelucksingh,
868-230 9857;
Warwick Marsh,
International Boys Day;
International Boys Day Facebook Page
UNANDERRA, Australia, May 10, 2018 /Standard Newswire/ -- The historic inaugural observance of International Boys Day on May 16 is all about dedicating a special day of the year to focus on boys and their wellbeing just as International Day of the Girl Child does for girls.
It is a celebration of all the positive elements that boys bring to their families and communities, and a day to spend quality time with them doing fun activities. It also aims to bring awareness to the challenges that boys face as they grow up.
Current research shows that boys:
1. are 50 % more likely to fail meeting basic proficiency standards in reading than girls.
2. are 100% more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD compared to girls.
3. are more likely to be the victims of violent crime.
4. are severely behind girls in school grades. Boys take 70% of D's and Failed grades.
5. suicide rate is four times higher than girls.
6. are 5 times more likely to end up in juvenile detention.
International Boys Day founder Dr Jerome Teelucksingh from Trinidad in the Caribbean, who also founded International Mens Day said:
"There is an urgent need to focus on the home and school as we save the boy child. If a boy child is neglected or fed a diet of hate and violence it is obvious he will develop into a teenager who is misguided and confused. And the next crucial transition into manhood will be even more difficult.
"Our goal is that every boy will grow up to become a man of honor and integrity and be able to contribute in a vital way to his family, his community and his nation and be able to make the world a better place for boys and girls everywhere."
Warwick Marsh from Australia said,
"Our intention is to inspire boys, families, communities and governments to engage and collaborate to address the issues our boys are facing. Positive male role models are critical for our boys' successful development and wellbeing.
"We encourage families and communities to celebrate this historic inaugural International Boys Day event by hosting fun outdoor games and activities. Boys love adventure. Whether it be a large or small event, focus on making it fun."
For comment:
Dr Jerome Teelucksingh: 1 (868) 230 9857
Warwick Marsh: 61 2 418 225 212