Saturday, November 10, 2007
Remarks by President Bush and Chancellor Merkel of Germany in Joint Press Availability
Radio Address of the President to the Nation
Friday, November 09, 2007
Remarks by President Bush and German Chancellor Merkel Upon Arrival
Thompson Campaign Names Grassroots Leaders in Southeast Florida
Thompson Proposes Plan to Save Social Security and Protect Seniors
Two Timely from the Howard Center
Thursday, November 08, 2007
North Korean Christians Arrested; Current Status Unknown
Statement by the President After Visit to Center for the Intrepid
USAID Supports Emergency Health Services for Flood Victims in the Dominican Republic
Thompson Campaign Announces Illinois Leadership Team
40 Days for Life Merely the Beginning; Pro-lifers Redoubling Their Commitment
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Remarks by President Bush and President Sarkozy of France in Joint Press Availability
Catholic League to Olympic Officials: Press China on Religious Liberties
Thompson Announces Tennessee Leadership Team
Thompson: Stop Giving Businesses That Hire Illegal Workers a Free Pass
Seafloor 'Hot Springs' Featured at MATE Center's 2008 International ROV Competition
Threat to Unborn Children by Amnesty International Still Rates Low on Priority List
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
USAID Airlifts Additional Relief Supplies to Dominican Republic
Statement by the President on Import Safety
Thompson Campaign Announces Veterans for Fred Thompson Leadership
Remarks by the President at the White House Forum on International Trade and Investment
Iraq: Christians Seek New Life in Europe
Monday, November 05, 2007
Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey After Meeting
USAID Assists Flood Recovery in the Dominican Republic
Media Ignore Sexual Abuse in the Schools
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