Wednesday, December 19, 2007
State Commitment to End Homelessness Aims for $60 Million Private Sector Boost
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Fred Thompson Receives Endorsement of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life
Early Church History Expert at Union Theological Seminary Available to Reveal the Real Santa Claus
New Christmas Song May Help Reduce Suicide Among Soldiers
Largest Election Fraud Case in the U.S.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Fred Thompson Receives Endorsement of California ProLife Council
Nativity Scene Displayed in Times Square as Part of 'The Nativity Project'
Statement from Fred Thompson on Endorsement from Iowa Representative Steve King
War on Christmas Continues says Catholic League
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Romney Fact Check on Preserving the Sanctity of Life
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Statement by President Bush on the Death of Representative Julia Carson
'The Clear Conservative Choice: Hands Down!' Bus Tour Schedule
Mitt Romney Has Decided to be the Arbiter of What's 'Republican' or Not, How Ironic
Radio Address by the President to the Nation
Friday, December 14, 2007
Hearing Scheduled in Hillary Records Lawsuit
Fred Thompson Receives Endorsement of Wesleyan Leaders
Thompson Campaign Announces Kentucky Leadership
Remarks by the President After Meeting with His Cabinet
Senior Residents are Finally Allowed to Display Religious Christmas Decorations
Panel to Address the Causes and Consequences of Anti-Americanism Around the World
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Fred Thompson Receives Endorsement of Vermont Right to Life
Statement by the President on the Assassination of Lebanese Brigadier General Francois al-Hajj
Fred Thompson Endorsed by Dr. Gary Cass
Florida Marriage Protection Amendment Makes Historic Petition Goal for 2008 Ballot
Leading Eating Disorder Treatment Center Identifies Popular Eating Disorder Myths
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Fred Thompson: Biggest Impediment to Improving Education? National Education Association
Huckabee on Education: No to Vouchers, Let Government Fix It
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