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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Protest at ESPN Offices Over Anchor's 'F--k Jesus' Comment

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Remarks by President Bush in Briefing with Mayors on Free Trade Agreements

USO Veteran to Entertain Troops and Prove He's the Real McCoy

French Out-of-Wedlock Birthrate Shows Impact of Marriage Substitutes

Teen Pregnancy and Poverty: 30-Year-Study Confirms That Living in Economically-Depressed Neighborhoods, Not Teen Motherhood, Perpetuates Poverty

National Black Pro-Life Union President Speaks Out on Abortion and the Black Church

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Statement by Senator John McCain on the 35th Anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Decision

Hollywood Actress to Headline Annual Abstinence Conference

Remarks by the President to March for Life Rally Participants

Protein Class Displays Strong Anticancer Action

Americans United for Life on Roe v. Wade at 35

Johns Hopkins to Participate in 1000 Genomes Project

Monday, January 21, 2008

SBC's Richard Land Comments on 'Roe v. Wade' Anniversary

Hope on the Horizon -- for 600 Orphaned Children

Statement by President Bush During a Visit to Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Library

Yonkers' Mayor Establishes Annual 'Respect Life Week'

Prominent Pastor Celebrates the Legacy of the Great Civil Rights Leader

Support for Abortion, and Abortions Themselves, at Lowest Levels in 30 Years -- Pro-Life Movement Alive and Well on 'Roe v. Wade' Memorial Eve

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Young Pro-Lifers Threatened with Arrest at Catholic Cathedral for Leafletting Parking Lot with Pro-life Voting Material

Pro-Woman Pro-Life Walkers Crowd San Francisco Waterfront -- Estimated 25,000 Participate

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Friday, January 18, 2008

South Carolinians Say 'No More' to Huckabee

Remarks by the President After Tour

Fred Thompson Statement on Huckabee's Comments on CNN

Former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline to Join Blogs for Life Conference

Remarks by the President on the Economy

South Carolina Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom Endorses Fred Thompson

PFOX Asks Judge to Enforce State Law and Stop the Teaching of Dangerous and Inaccurate Materials

Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Hillary Health Care Records

Huckabee's Hypocrisy: Another Flip Questions his Credibility

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